help > Export correlation values for each participant from multiple regression analysis
Apr 17, 2019  06:04 PM | William Denomme - University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Export correlation values for each participant from multiple regression analysis
Greetings all, 

I am currently trying to create some figures with correlational r values between a continuous covariate and ROI-to-ROI functional connectivity estimates. I tried the option to 'Import Values', which allowed me to copy the values into SPSS for further analyses. However, when running a regression between my covariate (i.e., age) and these functional connectivity estimates, the result is different in SPSS. I have tried extracting the functional connectivity values from the multiple regression model in CONN and from a simple one-sample t-test of functional connectivity in response to my task condition. Both of these functional connectivity estimates were exactly the same for each participant, and I was unable to reproduce the results in SPSS that I achieved in CONN. How can I acquire the functional connectivity value for each participant from a one-sample t-test and a multiple regression, and how can I reproduce my multiple regression analysis in SPSS that I produced in CONN?

Thank you for your help, 

William Denomme