questions > RE: Extract dcm2niix slice timing output into text file
Jun 14, 2019  06:06 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: Extract dcm2niix slice timing output into text file
I am not sure I understand your question. 

The parameter '-b y' will create a BIDS format JSON file that will include slice timing and other parameters. So your call to dcm2niix would be something like
  dcm2niix -b y -f %p_%s ~/myDICOMs
The BIDS tag "SliceTiming", "MultibandAccelerationFactor", and "ImageOrientationPatientDICOM" seem to have the information you want. You can find JSON decoders for most scripting languages. 

If you want to change the output that dcm2niix writes to the terminal, I suggest you fork the dcm2niix project from the Github page and compile a custom version to suit your needs.

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Hannah Swearingen Jun 14, 2019
RE: Extract dcm2niix slice timing output into text file
Chris Rorden Jun 14, 2019