help > Error when seting up 1st-level analysis
Jun 21, 2019  01:06 PM | Olivier Roy
Error when seting up 1st-level analysis
I have a dataset of37 subjects in a single session. The preprocessing with the default pipeline and denoising step went fine but when I try to do a seed-to-voxel or ROI-to-ROI I get an error and there are no timeseries displaying (where there is usually a graph). 


Index exceeds array bounds.
Error in conn_menu (line 839)
for n1=1:size(title,1),set(position.h4(1+n1),'xdata',n1+[0 0],'ydata',[0 title(n1)],'zdata',title(n1)+[1 1],'linestyle',':','marker','none','color',[.5 .5 .5],'tag','none');end
Error in conn (line 6622)

Has anyone ever encountered such an error? How can I fix it?

Thank you,
Olivier Roy