help > issues submitting standalone jobs but not running locally
Nov 18, 2019  07:11 PM | Joseph Orr - Texas A&M University
issues submitting standalone jobs but not running locally
I have transitioned to a new computing cluster and I'm running into some issues submitting conn jobs using the standalone version. I had issues originally opening conn, but setting MCR_CACHE_ROOT helped. But now when I try submitting jobs to the cluster I get some CTF extracting problems. Although I set MCR_CACHE_ROOT to /scratch in, each submitted job seems to ignore it and tries to access /home.

Error in extracting CTF file to '/home/joseph.orr/.mcrCache9.5/conn_A0'. Details: 'Could not create file: /home/joseph.orr/.mcrCache9.5/conn_A0/toolbox/dsp/filterdesign/+fdfmethod/@eqriphbordntw/getfresp.m'

Could not access the MATLAB Runtime component cache. Details: Some error has occurred in the file: core/mclCtfFileExtractor.cpp, at line: 64.
The error message is:
Error in extracting CTF file to '/home/joseph.orr/.mcrCache9.5/conn_A0'. Details: 'Could not create file: /home/joseph.orr/.mcrCache9.5/conn_A0/toolbox/dsp/filterdesign/+fdfmethod/@eqriphbordntw/getfresp.m'
; component cache root:/home/joseph.orr/.mcrCache9.5; componentname: conn

I am emailing my HPRC helpdesk about why I can't have .mcrCache in my home directory, but I am hoping to understand why submitted jobs ignore MCR_CACHE_ROOT if its set by


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issues submitting standalone jobs but not running locally
Joseph Orr Nov 18, 2019
Joseph Orr Nov 20, 2019