users > Error running munger on centos
Dec 3, 2019  05:12 AM | Greg Jefferis
Error running munger on centos
Hi Luke,

It seems that something funny is happening with the second —accuracy option. It is written as -accuracy (ie one dash not two). This would be interpreted as passing the -a -c etc arguments to minger. I’m not sure if this is a funny quoting error or just a typo in your command line. If it’s not a typo maybe try running

> munger -a -w -X 26 -C 8 -G 80 -R 4 -T 2 -s Meanbrain.nii Template.nii

and see if that works. All the best,


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Luke Brezovec Dec 3, 2019
Error running munger on centos
Greg Jefferis Dec 3, 2019
Luke Brezovec Dec 3, 2019