open-discussion > Create WM ROI based on 2 or more GM regions
Mar 6, 2020  04:03 PM | Jose Maximo
Create WM ROI based on 2 or more GM regions

My question is:

Is there a way to create a WM ROI based on 2 or more GM regions, e.g., if I use labels from the Desikan atlas like ctx-lh-posteriorcingulate AND ctx-lh-medialorbitofrontal and want to see the tracts that connect these two and then use it as an WM ROI.

I want to be able to define my GM regions based on brain networks (e.g., DMN) and get WM tracts that connect these regions within the DMN.

Hope this makes sense.


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Create WM ROI based on 2 or more GM regions
Jose Maximo Mar 6, 2020
Konstantinos Arfanakis Mar 6, 2020
Jose Maximo Mar 10, 2020