processing-scripts > data_configuration.yml for running default C-PAC pipe on FCon1000 Data
Mar 18, 2020  08:03 AM | Uri Elias
data_configuration.yml for running default C-PAC pipe on FCon1000 Data
Hi ,
I'm trying to preprocess the FCon1000 rest data using the C-PAC default pipeline (with minor changes - dropping 1st 4 volumes and adding slice order manually according to the xls).
I've installed the C-PAC successfully via docker on my Win10+WSL2 machine.

Now, CPAC complains the data (as extracted from downloaded tar) is not BIDS compatible. Thus, there seem to be two options ahead:
1- convert files to comply with BIDS
2- write to fit the filename patterns.

As for the 2nd option - I'm wondering whether there exist files that suit the FCon1000 format, so one can just download and run.
As for the 1st option - since I'm a rookie, what's the easiest way to convert? 

Thank you all, and may Corona days will end soon