help > RE: Viewing output/results from 1-st level and 2-nd level Analysis using CONN's Batch command
Apr 5, 2020  12:04 AM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Viewing output/results from 1-st level and 2-nd level Analysis using CONN's Batch command
Hi Jason,

You may simply use the syntax:

   conn_display /myresultsfolder/SPM.mat

to view your second-level results. See doc conn_display for additional options


Originally posted by jasonzhang2788:
Hi CONN Community,

I have done all the analysis I need with CONN batch command line but I am having trouble with viewing or visualizing the results (both 1st and 2nd level). All the tutorials and resources online seems to be dedicated to standalone version exclusively. However, due to some tech issue, currently I have no access to the standalone version of CONN. 

I am wondering does anyone know how to properly interpreting CONN outputs after command line processing? For example, how can I find out which voxels showed significant differences between groups in seed-based connectivity analysis? I know how I would find out that in CONN standalone version but not quite sure how I can achieve that just with batch command. There are all kinds of xxx.mat output after analysis, but it seems really difficult to know exactly what each variable stands for.

I would really appreciate any solutions or any good sources for CONN batch command instructions.

Thank you very much!


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jasonzhang2788 Mar 28, 2020
RE: Viewing output/results from 1-st level and 2-nd level Analysis using CONN's Batch command
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Apr 5, 2020