help > JHU.nii and JHU.txt files in C:\Program Files\MRIcron\Resources\templates
May 20, 2020  02:05 PM | Lukas Van Oudenhove
JHU.nii and JHU.txt files in C:\Program Files\MRIcron\Resources\templates
Dear Chris,

I found these files referring to an atlas that looks interesting to me under my MRIcron folder above, but contrary to the JHU white matter atlas, it is not available as a template from the MRIcron menu.

Could you please let me know which atlas this is (I presume it is another Johns Hopkins Uni atlas, but can't seem to find the details) and provide me with a reference for it so I can potentially use it?

Thanks very much in advance.

Best wishes,


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JHU.nii and JHU.txt files in C:\Program Files\MRIcron\Resources\templates
Lukas Van Oudenhove May 20, 2020
Chris Rorden May 22, 2020
Lukas Van Oudenhove May 22, 2020
Chris Rorden May 20, 2020
Lukas Van Oudenhove May 22, 2020
Lukas Van Oudenhove May 22, 2020