help > Error in Setup Scrubbing and QC_timeseries
Jul 31, 2020  02:07 PM | Alexandra Cross - University of Western Ontario
Error in Setup Scrubbing and QC_timeseries

I'm able to run my preprocessing steps without error in Conn 19c, but when I click Done to complete the Setup steps I am getting the following error:

SOME ERRORS FOUND!: Please revise the Setup information
ERROR: Subject 1 Session 1 first-level covariate QC_timeseries mismatched dimensions (0 rows, while functional data has 360 scans; the number of rows of a first-level covariate should equal the number of scans for this subject/session)
ERROR: Subject 1 Session 1 first-level covariate scrubbing mismatched dimensions (0 rows, while functional data has 360 scans; the number of rows of a first-level covariate should equal the number of scans for this subject/session)
ERROR: Subject 1 Session 2 first-level covariate QC_timeseries mismatched dimensions (0 rows, while functional data has 360 scans; the number of rows of a first-level covariate should equal the number of scans for this subject/session)
ERROR: Subject 1 Session 2 first-level covariate scrubbing mismatched dimensions (0 rows, while functional data has 360 scans; the number of rows of a first-level covariate should equal the number of scans for this subject/session)

This error is repeated for each of the 24 subjects and 2 sessions. 

My preprocessing steps are as follows: 
functional Realignment & unwarp (subject motion estimation and correction)
functional Center to (0,0,0) coordinates (translation)
functional Outlier detection (ART-based identification of outlier scans for scrubbing)
functional Direct Segmentation & Normalization (simultaneous Grey/White/CSF segmentation and MNI normalization)
structural Center to (0,0,0) coordinates (translation)
structural Segmentation & Normalization (simultaneous Grey/White/CSF segmentation and MNI normalization)
functional Smoothing (spatial convolution with Gaussian kernel)

It seems like the error is happening in the Outlier detection preprocessing step as there does not seem to be any scrubbing or QC_timeseries data being generated. I have also tried using the default preprocessing pipeline and get the same error, so I'm wondering if there is something I need to change in the setup? I have previously used the same setup and preprocessing steps in an older version of Conn with no issues.  

Thank you!
