help > Importing .annot files from Freesurfer
Sep 22, 2020  11:09 PM | Dani Rubinstein - Thomas Jefferson University
Importing .annot files from Freesurfer

I'm trying to import a .annot file (attached) which I've edited from the original file specifying the 35 regions of the D-K cortical atlas.  I edited the original .annot file in FreeSurfer so that it only has my two regions of interest, and I re-indexed them to 1 and 2 instead of the original indices of 8 and 31.

When I import this new .annot file as a mapping file, it seems to confuse BrainNet though.  When I look at the "Volume" options, it says the range is like -1 to some very large number, in this case 16727871.  I tried setting adjusting the positive and negative ranges to match the range of the volume, but then the whole brain is turned black (when I tried doing this in another subject's .annot file, which I made the same way, it rendered correctly with the right colors).

Is there a more sensible way to import a .annot file so it retains the same indices and color-mapping as in FreeSurfer?

Attachment: lh.aparc_vpc.annot

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Importing .annot files from Freesurfer
Dani Rubinstein Sep 22, 2020
Mingrui Xia Dec 14, 2020