help > Hangs when Visualizing Certain ROIs
Oct 2, 2020  04:10 AM | Jacob Bolzenius
Hangs when Visualizing Certain ROIs

I have been using BrainNet Viewer more and more in recent months as it gives great visuals.  I'm currently having an issue with BNV hanging when loading a mesh file, mapping file, then specifying certain ROIs in the Volume tab.  It seems to happen with some ROIs but not all, though I haven't figured out a pattern yet.

I saved the command line output from Matlab to the attached file.  Hoping someone may be able to help pinpoint the issue.  This has happened on both a Linux computer running Matlab2019a as well as a Windows PC running the Matlab Runtime client.

Thank you,
Jacob Bolzenius
Attachment: matlablog.txt

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Hangs when Visualizing Certain ROIs
Jacob Bolzenius Oct 2, 2020
Jacob Bolzenius Oct 2, 2020
Mingrui Xia Dec 14, 2020