help > mriCRON: Nifti to .hdr
Apr 26, 2021  08:04 AM | rosenkohl
mriCRON: Nifti to .hdr
Hi all,

I am using the latest mriCron Version on a Linux machine. I would like to convert niftis, that I got from a SPM first level analysis, into .hdr format. I already know (from google) that this should be possible by "import -> convert nifti to .hdr" BUT my mriCron does not have this option or even this button in the GUI. The only option avaible is "convert DICOM to NIfti". How can I achive a conversion to .hrd and whats the reason for the missing button? Is it just that I am using the latest mriCRON version?

Thank you so much in advance and all the best,


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mriCRON: Nifti to .hdr
rosenkohl Apr 26, 2021
Chris Rorden Apr 26, 2021
rosenkohl Apr 26, 2021