help > RE: Help loading nd2 files with bioformats
Jun 14, 2021  06:06 PM | zenabia
RE: Help loading nd2 files with bioformats
Hi Yimin,

Thank you very much for your answer. I attach an example file that you can use.



Originally posted by Yimin Wang:
Hi zenabia,

I don't have any nd2 file to test.
Maybe you can attach a sample file here.

Originally posted by zenabia:

I recently changed to a new computer and tried to use Vaa3D, but I cannot make it work to directly load .nd2 images to the program as I did in my previous computer. First, I had to specify where the bioformats plugin was, since I could not find the loci_tools, but the bioformats_package. But then I got the following error:

"The system cannot find the path specified.
The system call to delete the existing temp file returns a value [3]
Error: Could not find or load main class Files.Vaa3D-4.001.bioformats_tools.bioformats_package.jar
The system call to the Bioformats returns a value [1]
The current input file has the surfix [v3draw]
The data is not with a TIF/LSM surfix, -- now this program assumes it is RAW format defined by Hanchuan Peng.
size of [V3DLONG]=[8], [V3DLONG]=[8] [int]=[4], [short int]=[2], [double]=[8], [float]=[4]
File unrecognized or corrupted file.
The data doesn't look like a correct 4-byte-size RAW file. Try 2-byte-raw.
The size of your input file is too small and is not correct, -- it is too small to contain the legal header.
Error happens in reading 2-byte-size RAW file. Stop.
***v3d: XFormWidget::closeEvent
Now going to free memory for this image or data of this window. .... Succeeded in freeing memory.
fail to load the image using Bioformats. You may want to use a Vaa3D plugin or some other 3rd party programs to load this image, or convert the format and load into Vaa3D."

Does anyone know how I could fix this to make it work properly? Thank you very much in advance.



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zenabia Jun 14, 2021
Yimin Wang Jun 14, 2021
zenabia Jun 22, 2021
RE: Help loading nd2 files with bioformats
zenabia Jun 14, 2021