questions > Issue 271: Adjusting for negative MosaicRefAcqTimes -- Converting resting state dicoms
Aug 3, 2021  09:08 PM | Brooke Yeager - University of Iowa
Issue 271: Adjusting for negative MosaicRefAcqTimes -- Converting resting state dicoms

I'm currently trying to use dcm2niix through MRIcroGL to convert some dicoms to NIfTIs. It works flawlessly with my MPRAGE data but I get an error with my resting state data from the same subject, scanner, and scan date. The output NIfTIs look okay; I can't find anything wrong with them honestly. BUT, on the GUI, I see an error that says:
"Found 210 DICOM file(s)
Warning: Adjusting for negative MosaicRefAcqTimes (issue 271).
Convert 210 DICOM as 'file name here' (68x66x40x210)
Conversion required 17.252001 seconds."

So, I get this warning but I do get a correct looking output? FYI, I also just downloaded MRIcroGL a day ago, so I think I have the most up to date programs and downloads. 

I'm extremely new to this research and so I hope I've explained/given enough information to receive help! Thanks in advance!

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Issue 271: Adjusting for negative MosaicRefAcqTimes -- Converting resting state dicoms
Brooke Yeager Aug 3, 2021
Chris Rorden Aug 4, 2021
Brooke Yeager Aug 4, 2021
Chris Rorden Aug 4, 2021