help > CONN toolbox: Default preprocessing pipeline - normalisation
Jan 25, 2022  09:01 AM | kieranford - Imperial College
CONN toolbox: Default preprocessing pipeline - normalisation
Hi everyone,

My experiment consists of 350 participants with 197 volumes each (all single session scans).

The preprocessing failed at the segmentation stage but I managed to isolate the error and reran the preprocessing steps from step 6 (segmentation and normalisation). However, the preprocessing now seems 'stuck' on the "Running 'Normalise: Write'" command and hasn't shown any signs of progressing in about 6 hours. The GUI is still stating to "please wait". Is this normal?

I'm running the preprocessing locally on my laptop, and the entire process, so far, has taken over 96 hours.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

Kind regards,

- K

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CONN toolbox: Default preprocessing pipeline - normalisation
kieranford Jan 25, 2022
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jan 27, 2022
kieranford Feb 3, 2022
kieranford Feb 3, 2022