help > cPestica usage
Jul 8, 2022  10:07 AM | Christian Kaufmann
cPestica usage
Dear Wanyong, Katherine and Mark,

congrats for your impressive paper in Neuroimage! I tried pestica_afni_v5.5 on macOS 12.4 (with all the dependencies working, i.e. AFNI and Matlab). However, I find it, from a user perspective, a little bit challenging to understand whether or not I got suitable results for cPestica (the output is *.retroicor_pestica+orig.BRIK). Second, I was not able to proceed with slicemoco (using slicemoco from v5.2) without errors (although it worked through slice-wise estimations until quitting with errors). Data is TR 0.8 s with multiband factor 8 Siemens Prisma.

Would you be so kind as to update some of the information given in Readme's or give me a clue on how to proceed? That would be great!

I know I didn't cite the exact error messages here to give you a better starting point for evaluation. That said, AFNI (22.1.14) and Matlab (2022a) (cli) work fine on the computer (macOS Intel) otherwise.

Thanks so much for your time!
Christian Kaufmann