help > RE: the clusters in Matrix Display of ROI-to-ROI matrix
Nov 23, 2022  01:11 PM | Chihhao Lien
RE: the clusters in Matrix Display of ROI-to-ROI matrix
Dear Alfonso,

I'm sorry for the late reply.

I get the following message by using "help conn_roiclusters")

conn_roiclusters creates ROIorder.mat file defining list of ROIs as well as ROI order&clusters
that can be used by conn_display in ROI-to-ROI analyses

fileout = conn_roiclusters(rois [,coords2, coords3, groups, fileout])
rois : list of ROI names; (1xN) cell array describing N groups of ROIs (each group with an arbitrary number of ROIs) listed as rois{ngroup}{nroi}
coords2 : (optional) wheel coordinates for each ROI; (1xM) cell array or (2xM) matrix (default: distributed in unit circle based on group membership)
coords3 : (optional) spatial coordinates for each ROI; (1xM) cell array or (3xM) matrix (default: {})
alternatively, filename of atlas file defining these ROIs (coordinates will be extracted using conn_roicenters)
groups : (optional) list of group names; (1xN) cell array (default {})
fileout : (optional) output filename (default 'ROIorder.mat')
e.g. conn_roiclusters( {{'roi1','roi2'},{'roi3','roi4','roi5'}}, {}, {}, {'group1','group2'} );

It's useful, however, it doesn't explain the variables in connROIorder.mat.
I get a variable "ROIconfiguration", which contains 6 filed (including xy2, displaytheserois, xy2_clusters, clusters, names2, and names_clusters), by loading "connROIorder.mat"

Thanks for your help again.

Chih-Hao Lien

Threaded View

Chihhao Lien Nov 12, 2022
Chihhao Lien Nov 14, 2022
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Nov 15, 2022
RE: the clusters in Matrix Display of ROI-to-ROI matrix
Chihhao Lien Nov 23, 2022