help > RE: Thresholding on Conn vs Spm
Dec 5, 2022  01:12 PM | Daniela Rodriguez
RE: Thresholding on Conn vs Spm
Dear Alfonso,

thank you for your assitance. I found this script you had posted in a previous question: and utilised this to correct for FDR on the subject level. This then allowed me to prodcue SPM.mat files that were compatible with spm.

Best Regards,
Daniela Rodriguez

Originally posted by Daniela Rodriguez:
Dear Alfonso,

I am having trouble reporting the results I have acquired with conn.

1. When I export the results to SPM via an SPM.mat file, even when applying the same threshold on SPM (voxelwise: p-FDR 0.05 and cluster-size p-FWE 0.05), it shows me different clusters as Conn. This is additionally difficult when I try to load in the SPM.mat file into the Anatomy toolbox. Have you been able to work around that?

2. Due to my first problem I decided to evaluate my results on conn directly. When it comes to describing my cluster location for my paper, I can only find T-values for the maximum voxel. I cannot find information on local maxima voxels or their T-values, which is important for big clusters. Where on Conn can I find this information?

I thank you in advance for your assistance.

Best Regards,
Daniela Rodriguez M.

Threaded View

Daniela Rodriguez Nov 24, 2022
RE: Thresholding on Conn vs Spm
Daniela Rodriguez Dec 5, 2022
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Nov 24, 2022
Daniela Rodriguez Nov 25, 2022