help > Percentage of connections needed to consider a network as relevant ROI to ROI
Jan 13, 2023  02:01 PM | Karel Joineau - INSERM
Percentage of connections needed to consider a network as relevant ROI to ROI
Hi all,Hi Alfonso,

In ROI to ROI, I wanted to verify the quality of my data by analysing the connections in the DMN. So I used a t-test in the baseline session (all subject, session1) to see if the DMN was found. But I calculated the percentage of connection (existing connections in my analysis / all possible connections in the Willard DMN (561) and I found 52%.
Is there a minimal percentage to consider that a network is present at a basal time ? Seeing my basal percentage, is the quality of my data low ?

Thanks for any help!

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Percentage of connections needed to consider a network as relevant ROI to ROI
Karel Joineau Jan 13, 2023
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jan 19, 2023
Karel Joineau Jan 24, 2023
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Feb 8, 2023
Karel Joineau Feb 9, 2023