help > fMRIprep import - no variance heat maps and 'not ready to display second level analysis'
Jan 20, 2023  10:01 AM | Alexandra Hayes
fMRIprep import - no variance heat maps and 'not ready to display second level analysis'

I am currently running an analysis in the GUI using an imported fMRIprep dataset but running into a couple of issues.
I am trying to run an ROI to ROI and seed to voxel analysis on the salience and frontoparietal networks.
I have followed the tutorial and handbook instructions for import, preprocessing (only smoothing as it is an fMRIprep pre-processed dataset) and denonising. 
In the demonising tab I do not see the panel with the heat map illustrating the BOLD % variance explained by *confound*. Likewise, in the first level tab I do not see the panel for the preview connectivity. I have read in some posts that this can be due to thresholding or computational issues. However I have no option to change the thresholding and even once first level has been ran I can't see these preview maps. I have attached a screen grab of how GUI looks after running the first-level analysis. 
In addition to this, once first level is complete a dialogue box appears that reads 'Not ready to display second-level analyses. Source *ROI/network* not found please re-run first-level analyses or select a different first-level analyses to continue. 
The path to the ROI and network images are correct and the ROIs and networks are displaying correctly in the setup ROI tab. 

Any help would be much appreciated, many thanks in advance!


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fMRIprep import - no variance heat maps and 'not ready to display second level analysis'
Alexandra Hayes Jan 20, 2023
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Feb 8, 2023