help > Export ROI file --> mapping file error
Jan 28, 2023  08:01 AM | Kim Ed
Export ROI file --> mapping file error

I've got this error saying that certain path or directory, which I don't set to find, does not exist.
I assume this directory is from the other pc in the past who used to share the same matlab account?
Please help me fix this problem!!


Mapping files : Error using spm_vol>spm_vol_hdr
File "/Users/shchoi/Desktop/Lab/05_experiments/01_attentional_capture/MRIdata/03_1st_level/01_localizer/CON/CON12/con_0005.nii" does
not exist.

Error in spm_vol (line 61)
v = spm_vol_hdr(deblank(P(i,:)));
Error in mars_image_scaling (line 120)
VY = spm_vol(VY);
Error in marsbar (line 980)
[VY row] = mars_image_scaling(marsD);
Error in spm (line 1004)
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.
Error using maroi/get_marsy
Need images to extract from
Error in marsbar (line 990)
marsY = get_marsy(o{:}, VY, sumfunc, 'v');
Error in spm (line 1004)
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.

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Export ROI file --> mapping file error
Kim Ed Jan 28, 2023
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Feb 10, 2023