help > incorrect display of analysis options when adding a new first-level analysis
Feb 3, 2023  09:02 AM | Lukas Van Oudenhove
incorrect display of analysis options when adding a new first-level analysis
Hi Alfonso & team CONN,

I am trying to run the new (cool!) fc-MVPA analysis in a project for which I already have two first-level analyses (RRC_01 and SBC_01), but when trying to add a new analysis in the first level tab and selecting group-MVPA (or group-ICA for that matter), the options for SBC_01 appear rather than the options for my new MVPA_01 analysis, preventing me from specifying them for that analysis and running them - see attached screenshot.

Any idea what the issue may be?

Thanks very much in advance and thanks for a great toolbox,


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incorrect display of analysis options when adding a new first-level analysis
Lukas Van Oudenhove Feb 3, 2023
Lukas Van Oudenhove Feb 6, 2023