help > RE: Error when Denoising ROI data
Mar 29, 2023  02:03 PM | data
RE: Error when Denoising ROI data

I have a similar error (please see below form matlab). I tripled checked set-up and denoising and re-ran everything three times by now. Two weeks ago, I analysed resting-state data and that worked fine but here I have a problem with an fMRI task. Is there anything obvious that I need to change?

Any help is very much appreciated!

Many thanks, Maria

Not ready to start first-level Analysis step

Please complete the Denoising step first
(fill any required information and press "Done" in the Denoising tab)
Ready to run First-level Analysis processing pipeline
overwrite existing results (re-compute for all subjects/ROIs)
local processing (run on this computer)
CONN: RUNNING ANALYSIS STEP (ROI-to-ROI or seed-to-voxel analyses)
Step 1/3: ROI-to-voxel first-level analyses
first-level data in D:\conn_project_EmotionRecognition_March2023\results\firstlevel\SBC_01
processed 0 files
Step 2/3: ROI-to-ROI first-level analyses
first-level data in D:\conn_project_EmotionRecognition_March2023\results\firstlevel\SBC_01
processed 24 files
Step 3/3: Preparing second-level ROI analyses
Saving file. Please wait...saved D:\conn_project_EmotionRecognition_March2023.mat
Not ready to display second-level Analyses
Please complete the first-level ROI-to-ROI or seed-to-voxel step first
(fill any required information and press "Done" in the first-level analysis tab)
or selet a different first-level analysis to continue
Not ready to start first-level Analysis step
Please complete the Denoising step first
(fill any required information and press "Done" in the Denoising tab)

Originally posted by Matt Vandermeer:
Hi all,

I'm trying to run denoising using the CONN GUI with a set of data that I've preprocessed using fmriprep; however, I continue to run into the same error no matter what I've tried. Any thoughts/recommendations at all would be immensely appreciated (details below).

I've loaded all of my fmriprep preprocessed data into CONN 20b and have set the following denoising parameters:

Regression : White Matter (5P) (5 dimensions; no polynomial expansion; no temporal expansion; non-filtered)
Regression : CSF (5P) (5 dimensions; no polynomial expansion; no temporal expansion; non-filtered)
Regression : realignment (24P) (6 dimensions; add quadratic effects; added first-order derivative; non-filtered)
Regression : Matt_Scrubbing(FD>0.9mm) (47P) (47 dimensions; no polynomial expansion; no temporal expansion; non-filtered)
Order : Simultaneous regression and filtering (Simult)
Detrending : 1
Despiking : 0
Bandpass : [0.009 0.08]

Steps 1-3/6 run fine; however, I'm consistently getting the following error description when it comes to step 4/6 (Denoising ROI data):


Error using conn_process (line 1658)
Wrong dimensions
Error in conn_process (line 30)
case {'preprocessing_gui','denoising_gui'}, conn_disp(['CONN: RUNNING DENOISING STEP']); conn_process([1.5,2,6:9],varargin{:});
Error in conn (line 6388)
else conn_process('denoising_gui'); ispending=false;
Error in conn_menumanager (line 121)
SPM12 + AAL3 ArtRepair DEM FieldMap MEEGtools TFCE cat12 conn marsbar
Matlab v.2020a
project: CONN20.b
storage: 2069.5Gb available
spm @ C:\Users\mvande66\Desktop\Neuroimaging_Programs\spm12
conn @ C:\Users\mvande66\Desktop\Neuroimaging_Programs\spm12\toolbox\conn

Threaded View

Matt Vandermeer May 3, 2021
RE: Error when Denoising ROI data
data Mar 29, 2023
Dione Q Aug 23, 2021