help > Correlation between behavioral data and seed-based functional connectivity
Jan 14, 2025  12:01 PM | jothini
Correlation between behavioral data and seed-based functional connectivity

Dear Alfonso,

I was running a task-based fMRI study with block design (task and rest block), in which performance was measured. I have two groups, patients and controls. In the 1st level analysis I ran seed-based functional connectivity (weighted GLM). In the 2nd level I am running a correlation between connectivity and the task performance during the task block for different seeds. If I select "Import values" in the results explorer, do these values correspond to the functional connectivity value between the selected seed and cluster per subject? And also in other 2nd level analysis, e.g. group comparison of FC between patients and controls, does "import values" always return the FC values? 

Another question: For the correlation analysis I am able to select ALLsubjects and task performance (contrast [0 1]) to calculate the correlation between FC values and task performance in all subjects. But if I want to calculate the correlation between FC values and performance within a single group (patients or controls), I get a warning (see below). Why is that the case? 

