help > How to select different font colours for specific ROI labels in the CONN toolbox?
Jan 14, 2025  02:01 PM | jarrettchel
How to select different font colours for specific ROI labels in the CONN toolbox?


I am using the CONN toolbox for my data to display functional connectivity changes amongst my regions of interest. My ROIs include various brain regions, alongside subregions of these brain regions. I would therefore like to change the colour of the font for these ROIs, such that the subregions of each region are displayed in one colour, the subregions for another are displayed in a different colour, and so on for easier readibility.

Please can I be advised as to whether this is possible using the CONN toolbox, and how I can go about this? Within the graphics options, it doesn't appear to be possible to do this based on the settings that I can see.

Many thanks for any help in advance. 

Kind regards,
