open-discussion > MRICRON overlap and descriptive statistics
Jan 22, 2025 11:01 AM | VERA GRAMIGNA
MRICRON overlap and descriptive statistics
Dear support,
I would like to solve some problems that I am encountering in my
More specifically:
-When I overlap flair.nii and lesion.nii (obtained from automatic
software) in MRICRON, all appear correct. If I convert lesion.nii
in voi, it is flipped. Is there a way to maintain the same
reference system after conversion?
-When I overlap overlapping map (alllesion.nii) on aal maps, using
descriptive statistics, I obtain several parameters (numVox
numVoxNotZero fracNotZero peak min mean meanNotZero).Can I have
more information about the meaning of each of them?Is there a
cutoff within which I must consider the damaged regions?