faq > Trouble understanding the results folder structure for session comparison
Jan 29, 2025  01:01 PM | Sumit Roy - IGSN, Ruhr University
Trouble understanding the results folder structure for session comparison

My name is Sumit Roy, and I am a PhD student at Leibniz Institute for Working Human Factors in Dortmund. I have some questions regarding the structure of the results obtained by the ISC toolbox.
I am comparing two runs from a stressful and neutral movie, from what I understood in the results folder - ISCSessionComp1Band0ZSumstat.nii contains the data. I want to plot my results in MRIcoGL according to the critvals given in the CSV file - SessionComparison1Band0ThresholdsWin0_Session_SW_MCConly_0_5000.csv
I want to plot the sumZPF stats but the results file  ISCSessionComp1Band0ZSumstat.nii is in a smaller range. So, I am having a hard time wrapping my head around how we can visualize the comparison results and which crtivals correspond to these results.
Sorry if it seems like a naive question but I am pretty new to MRI analysis and any help regarding the ISC analysis will be greatly appreciated.