help > gPPI ROI Results
Jan 31, 2025 08:01 AM | bioash
gPPI ROI Results
I am performing a GLM analysis using individual ROIs and not all ROIs from the disk. Total there are 8 seeds.
Can we choose connectivity between that seed 1 with, all other seed targets ( excluding that first seed from targets) ? Should i perform multiple comparisons correction?
Or connectivity betweeen seed 1 with seed 2; seed 1 with seed 3 needs to be checked until seed 1 with seed 8?
Summaray from methods
Individual connection-> seprate GLM
Connection level hypothesis.
Cluster level inferences
Networks identified using a complete-linkage hierarchical clustering procedure[24] based on ROI-to-ROI anatomical proximity and functional similarity metrics[25].
Results thresholded using a combination of a p < 0.05 connection-level threshold and a familywise corrected p-FDR < 0.05 cluster-level threshold[26].