help > preprocessing physiological data
Jun 7, 2013  06:06 AM | Vincent Beliveau
preprocessing physiological data
Good day,

For another study, I was previously given physiological data formatted to be compatible with CONN (one sample per frame of MRI data). I am processing a new study now and I only have access to the raw physiological data, sampled at a much higher rate than the MRI data. I was thinking of downsampling the data using PhLEM toolbox, however I was wondering if there was a better way to preprocess the physiological data to obtain optimal results with the CompCorr algorithm used by CONN.
Any suggestions?

Kind regards,

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preprocessing physiological data
Vincent Beliveau Jun 7, 2013
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jun 9, 2013
Amr Farahat Aug 10, 2018