
Release Name: iBEAT 1.1-deleted-1590843468

iBEAT 1.1 is released.

The iBEAT (Infant Brain Extraction and Analysis Toolbox, previously named LIBRA) is a toolbox with graphical user interfaces for
processing infant brain MR images. Main functions of the software (step by step) are as follows:
1. Image Preprocessing:
Reorient original infant T1/T2/FA images interactively to the same orientation as a selected template image.
Resampling (to the same size as the template) and N3 correction are applied to the reoriented images as well.

2. Brain Extraction:
Strip the skull and remove the cerebellum from the reoriented image automatically.
The automatically extracted brain image can then be edited manually if required (optional).

3. Tissue Segmentation:
Segment gray matter, white matter and CSF from the extracted brain images.
Non-longitudinal T1/T2/FA images (single time point) are processed by coupled segmentation and a single tissue image is generated.
Longitudinal T1/T2/FA images (multiple time points) are segmented together and a longitudinally segmented tissue image is generated at each time point.

4. Brain Labeling:
Label the brain with assistance of the atlas of a selected template (HAMMER registration is used).
