
Release Name: conn v.18.a


conn release 18.a change log

Cumulative patch, bug fixes and improvements

Added parallelization profile for Windows 7 and Windows 10 machines

Added 'pending jobs' button to main CONN gui that alerts when there are running, queued, or pending jobs in your cluster / HPC environment

Added the ability to parallelize the computation of permutation/randomization analyses (non-parametric computation of cluster-level statistics) using Cluster/HPC jobs

Added QC reports (auto-generated html/pdf/xml reports containing a user-defined selection of Quality Assurance plots; see 'QA plots' button or conn_qaplotsexplore from Matlab command line)

Added QA plots computing QC-FC associations (association between Quality Control variables and Functional Connectivity values; see Ciric et al. 2017, NeuroImage, "Benchmarking of participant-level confound regression strategies for the control of motion artifact in studies of functional connectivity")

Added QA plots computing FC vs distance plots (90% CI of FC r values vs. edge distance (in mm) in a 1000-node network)

Added QA plots computing histogram / quartiles / outliers in QC variables (QC second-level covariates)

Fixed/Improved randomization non-parametric procedure to include group-vs-single-subject comparisons (thanks to Stephen Larroque; see for additional details)

Simplified GUI for secondary functional datasets (secondary dataset-1 and above can now also be defined, displayed, and preprocessed from the Setup.functionals tab)

Added 'plot subjects' button to S2V and V2V results tabs, as well as to voxel-level results explorer window (slice/surface/volume display of individual subject connectivity maps)

Added 'export' button to ROI-to-ROI results explorer window (exports suprathreshold connections in ROI-to-ROI connectivity matrix)

Added interactive thresholding options to slice display