[Camino-users] Problem with image2voxel

Ed Gronenschild ed.gronenschild at np.unimaas.nl
Thu Mar 22 06:22:55 PDT 2012


I entered the following command:

image2voxel -4dimage DTI.nii.gz -outputfile dwi.Bfloat

upon which I got an error:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
	at data.ScannerOrderDataSource.init(ScannerOrderDataSource.java:169)
	at data.ScannerOrderDataSource.<init>(ScannerOrderDataSource.java:134)
	at data.ScannerOrderScaledDataSource.<init> 
	at imaging.Nifti1Dataset.getImageDataSource(Nifti1Dataset.java:2606)
	at apps.ImageToVoxel.execute(ImageToVoxel.java:105)
	at apps.EntryPoint.main(EntryPoint.java:269)

So there seems to be  a memory problem.
The DTI.nii.gz data file consists of 129 volumes of 70 slices each  
128 x 128 voxels.
This corresponds to about 591 MByte, well below the 2 GByte limit.
I'm on a Mac, OSX 10.5.8 running in 32 bits mode.
Is there some kind of workaround?


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