[Mrtrix-discussion] Parameters

romain valabregue romain.valabregue at upmc.fr
Mon Mar 17 13:02:10 PDT 2014


I am interested to have the feedback of other too.

Personally I had a mouse data set and I change the pixel size
so that their brain volume had a similar volume than human brain.
(I multiply the voxel size by 17). Then I could use the default parameters


Le 17/03/2014 20:12, Manuel Blesa Cábez a écrit :
> Dear all,
> I'm working on small animal brains (mouse) and I don't know what are 
> the correct parameters to construct the tractography (streamlines, 
> curvature, etc...). Is someone working with similar data and could 
> give me a little reference? Thanks in advance
> Best regards,
> Manuel Blesa
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