[Mrtrix-discussion] MRview

Robert Smith robert.smith at florey.edu.au
Mon Jan 2 21:44:15 PST 2017

Hi Ines,

It's unfortunately not clear from your message exactly what the problem is.
Could you perhaps upload a screenshot that would demonstrate to us exactly
what's going on, or precise step-by-step instructions of what you're doing
to arrive at the problem?



*Robert Smith, Ph.D*
Senior Research Officer, Imaging Division

The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
Melbourne Brain Centre - Austin Campus
245 Burgundy Street
Heidelberg Vic 3084
Ph: +61 3 9035 7128
Fax: +61 3 9035 7301

*MRtrix3*: Advanced tools for the analysis of diffusion MRI data
Website <http://www.mrtrix.org/> - Blog <http://www.mrtrix.org/blog/> -
Repository <https://github.com/MRtrix3/mrtrix3> - Community forum

On Thu, Dec 29, 2016 at 3:29 AM, Ines Ben Alaya <ines.benalaya at istmt.utm.tn>

> Geed evening,
> I use the software mrtrix (0.2.12), I calculated the FOD and I generated
> the tracks but I have a problem in mrview,  the FOD orientations and the
> tractography are not  appear.(problem of superposition )
> II will be grateful if you can help me.
> Best regards.
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