Attribution Yes Johns Hopkins University NITRC Arterial Atlas Andreia Faria We present an atlas of brain arterial territories based on lesion distributions in 1,298 acute stroke patients. The atlas covers supra- and infra-tentorial regions and contains hierarchical segmentation levels created by a fusion of vascular and classical anatomical criteria. This deformable 3D digital atlas can be readily used by the clinical and research communities, enabling automatic and highly reproducible exploration of large-scaled data. For reference, please cite our paper here 2022-5-26 VascularAtlasLabel_updated 2021-11-11 ArterialAtlas_v2_MNI152 2021-10-07 ArterialAtlas_v2 2021-8-17 Vascular_Probabilistic_Maps 2021-5-03 ArterialAtlas_zip Arterial Atlas Atlas Data, MR, Attribution