Center for Multimodal Imaging and Genetics UCSD Copyright Notice Yes UCSD NITRC AtlasTrack Fiber Tract Atlas MATLAB AtlasTrack Fiber Tract Atlas is a probabilistic atlas of white matter tracts. The atlas was created from manually selected fiber tract maps created using DTI Studio with dMRI data from a group of healthy controls and epilepsy patients (Hagler et al., 2009). This atlas is used to generate fiber tract segmentations for individual subjects who have been nonlinearly registered to the atlas. dMRI derived measures averaged within these fiber tract ROIs have been included in tabulated data publicly shared for the PING and ABCD studies (Jernigan et al., 2016, Hagler et al., 2019). This package includes atlas data, documentation, and some associated MATLAB functions. This package has been made available to enable researchers, particularly those using the PING and ABCD data resources, to visualize the atlas fiber tracts. Note that this package does not contain the complete set of software needed to apply the atlas and generate segmentations for individual subjects. Estimate file storage is 758 MB. 2020-12-17 AtlasTrack AtlasTrack Fiber Tract Atlas MR, UCSD Copyright Notice, MATLAB, Atlas Data