Brain Research Institute GNU General Public License (GPL) Yes Florey Neuroscience Institutes NITRC cortex Yes R This software package contains functions that will help researchers plan how many subjects per group need to be included in an MRI-based cortical thickness study to ensure a thickness difference is detected. The package requires cortical thickness mapping and co-registration to be carried out using Freesurfer. The power analyses are implemented in the R software package. 2012-5-21 20120521 cortex R source package cortex MR, Clinical Neuroinformatics, GNU General Public License (GPL), R, Thickness, MGH/MGZ, Brain Concussion, Stroke, Brain Injuries, Huntington Disease, Alzheimer Disease, Diabetes Mellitus, Multiple Sclerosis, Epilepsy, Autistic Disorder, Rett Syndrome, Parkinson Disease,