GNU General Public License v3 Yes University of Ottawa NITRC Counting Sheep PSG EEGLAB-compatible manual sleep stage scoring, signal processing and event marking of polysomnographic (PSG) data for MATLAB. The "Event Marking Mode" allows users to create and manage events in an EEG analysis interface. An 'all channels' mode enables event marking without specifying a channel. Users can select or deselect existing events for deletion or merging with a single click. The system includes signal processing features using built-in EEGLAB functions, such as interpolating bad channels, downsampling, filtering, re-referencing, and channel editing, all in beta versions. It also offers Independent Component Analysis (ICA) and Power Spectral Analysis using Fast Fourier Transform (FTT), also in beta. The "Automatic Event Detection" feature includes automatic detection of movement artifacts, spindles (using EEGlab's 'detect_spindles' plugin), and slow waves (using EEGLAB's 'PAA' plugin). Counting Sheep PSG EEG/MEG, GNU General Public License v3, http://