Montreal Neurological Institute MIT Yes MCIN NITRC EEG2BIDS Wizard EEG2BIDS can be downloaded from GitHub and installed within a few minutes. Its sequenced workflow walks users through data labelling and anonymization steps, and the embedding of supplemental metadata into a complete BIDS dataset. MNE-BIDS libraries provide standardization as well as anonymization functionality, and as a final step, the app runs the BIDS Validator locally to ensure data outputs are BIDS compliant. The app’s GUI components are written using React and Node.js, supported by a Python server facilitated by a library. The app can connect securely to any LORIS database instance to automate and validate data entry (Das 2012), and securely stores LORIS user credentials using the local system keychain. Its flexible open design optimizes customizability, extensibility and interoperability with other formats and data platforms. This tool was released open-source in 2021 has been included in the BIDS Neuroimaging list of community tools. 2023-11-24 SET2BIDS Wizard Setup installer (2.0.0) 2021-5-11 EEG2BIDS Wizard Setup installer for Windows 10 (1.0.0) EEG2BIDS Wizard MIT, EEG/MEG, http://