Laboratoire de Psychologie Cognitive UMR7290 Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Yes Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) / Aix-Marseille University NITRC Haiko89: MRI in vivo Baboon Brain Templates Collection (Papio anubis) MacOS, Microsoft, OS/2, OS Independent, Other OS, POSIX/UNIX-like Adrien Meguerditchian A collection of open access MRI in vivo brain template images from average baboon brains (Papio anubis): - Symmetric and Asymmetric population-average T1 brain templates from N=89 subjects (Haiko89 & Haiko89sym) - Tissue (Grey matter, White matter & CSF) probability maps from symmetric and asymmetric Haiko89 brain templates - Sex balanced Brain template created with an equal number of N=31 male and N=31 female images (Haiko62MF) - Adult Brain Template created from N=67 adult baboons' (over 7 years old) images (Haiko67A) When using these images please cite: Love, S.A., Marie, D., Roth, M., Lacoste, R., Nazarian, B., Bertello, A., Coulon, O., Anton, J.-L., Meguerditchian, A., 2016. The average baboon brain: MRI templates and tissue probability maps from 89 individuals. NeuroImage. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.03.018 2016-3-13 Brain Tissue Probability Maps from MRI baboon Templates 2016-3-13 Brain Templates from MRI in vivo baboons images Haiko89: MRI in vivo Baboon Brain Templates Collection (Papio anubis) MR, PET/SPECT, EEG/MEG, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported, NIfTI-1, MacOS, Microsoft, OS/2, OS Independent, Other OS, POSIX/UNIX-like, English, French