GNU General Public License (GPL) Yes NITRC Graph Theory GLM (GTG) MATLAB Toolbox OS Independent Yes MATLAB This MATLAB toolbox calculates & runs a GLM on graph theory properties derived from brain networks. The GLM accepts continuous & categorical between-participant predictors & categorical within-participant predictors. Significance is determined via non-parametric permutation tests, including correction for multiple comparisons. Both fully connected & thresholded networks are tested. The toolbox also provides a data processing path for resting state & task fMRI data. Options for partialing nuisance signals include: local & total white matter signal (Jo et al., 2013), PCA of white matter/ventricular signal (Muschelli et al., 2014), Saad et al. (2013)'s GCOR, & Chen et al. (2012)’s GNI. In addition, Power et al. (2014)'s motion scrubbing method & Patel et al. (2014)'s WaveletDespike are available. Please sign up for the mailing list, as this is where we announce new releases. 2016-3-30 4 - Beta beta 0.45 2015-10-16 4 - Beta beta 0.44 2015-9-02 4 - Beta beta 0.43 2015-8-24 4 - Beta beta 0.42 2015-7-20 4 - Beta beta 0.41 2015-6-30 4 - Beta beta 0.40 2015-5-04 4 - Beta beta 0.39 2015-3-24 4 - Beta beta 0.38 2014-12-17 4 - Beta beta 0.37 2014-11-19 4 - Beta beta 0.36 2014-10-20 4 - Beta beta 0.35 2014-9-22 4 - Beta beta 0.33 2014-8-29 4 - Beta beta 0.32 2014-6-25 4 - Beta Beta 0.31 2014-6-10 4 - Beta Beta 0.30 2014-5-09 4 - Beta beta 0.25 2014-4-23 4 - Beta beta 0.24 2014-4-09 4 - Beta beta 0.23 2014-3-25 4 - Beta beta 0.22 2014-3-19 4 - Beta Beta 0.21 2014-3-12 4 - Beta Beta 0.20 Graph Theory GLM (GTG) MATLAB Toolbox Connectivity Analysis, 4 - Beta, MR, End Users, GNU General Public License (GPL), English, OS Independent, MATLAB, NIfTI-1, Other Format, Brain Injuries, http://