Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre Melbourne Subcortex Atlas License, Public Domain Yes The University of Melbourne NITRC Melbourne Subcortex Atlas The Melbourne Subcortex Atlas is a hierarchical functional MRI atlas of the human subcortex (Tian et al 2020 Nat Neurosci). The atlas was derived from healthy young adults participating in the Human Connectome Project and represents a consensus among more than 1000 individuals. Atlas features: • Includes subdivisions of the striatum, globus pallidus, thalamus, amygdala and hippocampus. • Available in four hierarchical scales as well as 3 and 7 Tesla versions. • Each scale is bilaterally symmetric and defines a self-contained parcellation scheme. • Delineated in MNI152 6th generation space but also available in MNI152 2009cAsym. • Integrated into several existing cortex-only parcellation atlases including Glasser2016, Gordon2016 and Schaefer2018. • Available in CIFTI and NIFTI formats. • Analysis pipeline and code can be found at • Read the manuscript: 2023-10-27 Probabilistic map of personalised atlas 2023-4-05 Tian2020MSA_v1.4 2023-3-24 Tian2020MSA_v1.3 2023-3-08 Tian2020MSA_v1.2 2020-12-20 Tian2020MSA_v1.1 2020-10-14 Tian2020MSA Melbourne Subcortex Atlas Computational Neuroscience, MR, Melbourne Subcortex Atlas License, Public Domain, English, CIFTI, NIfTI-1