National Key Laboratory of Cognitive Neuroscience and Learning GNU General Public License (GPL) Yes Beijing Normal University NITRC PANDA: a pipeline tool for diffusion MRI Linux, MacOS Yes MATLAB Chenxi Zhao PANDA (Pipeline for Analyzing braiN Diffusion imAges) is a matlab toolbox for pipeline processing of diffusion MRI images. For each subject, PANDA can provide outputs in 2 types: i) diffusion parameter data that is ready for statistical analysis; ii) brain anatomical networks constructed by using diffusion tractography. Particularly, there are 3 types of resultant diffusion parameter data: WM atlas-level, voxel-level and TBSS-level. The brain network generated by PANDA has various edge definitions, e.g. fiber number, length, or FA-weighted. The key advantages of PANDA are as follows: 1.) fully-automatic processing from raw DICOM/NIFTI to final outputs; 2.) Supporting both sequential and parallel computation. The parallel environment can be a single desktop with multiple-cores or a computing cluster with a SGE system; 3.) A very friendly GUI (graphical user interface). 2016-7-22 5 - Production/Stable/Mature PANDA for Linux 64-bit Released 20160722 2016-7-22 5 - Production/Stable/Mature PANDA for MAC Released 20160722 2016-7-22 5 - Production/Stable/Mature PANDA Manual Released 20160722 2013-3-24 5 - Production/Stable/Mature PANDA for Linux 64-bit (Octave version) Released 20130402 2013-3-24 5 - Production/Stable/Mature PANDA for MAC (Octave version) Released 20130402 2013-3-24 5 - Production/Stable/Mature Old Version 2013-3-24 5 - Production/Stable/Mature PANDA paper 2012-6-01 5 - Production/Stable/Mature PANDA Video (Overview and Setup) (Chinese version) Released 20120627 2012-6-01 5 - Production/Stable/Mature PANDA Video (Files/Directories Selection) (Chinese version) Released 20120627 2012-6-01 5 - Production/Stable/Mature PANDA Video (PANDA process) (Chinese version) Released 20120627 2012-6-01 5 - Production/Stable/Mature PANDA Video (Changing Parameters) (Chinese version) Released 20120627 2012-6-01 5 - Production/Stable/Mature PANDA Video (Resultant Files Description) (Chinese version) Released 20120627 2012-6-01 5 - Production/Stable/Mature PANDA Video (Utilities) (Chinese version) Released 20120627 2012-6-01 5 - Production/Stable/Mature Test Data for PANDA PANDA: a pipeline tool for diffusion MRI Hypertension, Tractography, Tensor Metric, Format Conversion, Connectivity Analysis, Workflow, 5 - Production/Stable/Mature, Child Development Disorders, Pervasive, Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity, Brain Injuries, Schizophrenia, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson Disease, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Diabetes Mellitus, Tourette Syndrome, Depression, MR, Computational Neuroscience, Gnome, End Users, GNU General Public License (GPL), English, Linux, MacOS, XNAT Pipeline, MATLAB, DICOM, NIfTI-1, ANALYZE, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Alzheimer Disease, Epilepsy, Stroke, Bipolar Disorder, Dyslexia, http://