Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science Yes Vanderbilt University NITRC CHIASM - Combined Histology-MRI Integrated Atlas of the Squirrel Monkey A web-based combined MRI-histology digital atlas of the squirrel monkey brain 2018-5-22 Labels - Release 1 2018-3-08 SM6 Ross Release v1 2018-3-08 SM5 NHP Release v1 2018-3-08 SM 4 Diesel Release v1 2018-3-08 SM3 Hazel Release v1 2018-3-08 SM2 MJ Release v1 2018-3-07 SM1 Lucky Release v1 CHIASM - Combined Histology-MRI Integrated Atlas of the Squirrel Monkey Microscopy, MR, Optical Imaging