Neuro Image Research and Analysis Laboratory Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Yes University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill NITRC The EBDS Infant DTI Fiber Atlases Yes Rachel Steiner Neonatal and 1-2 year old DTI fiber atlases for studies of brain development at birth to 2 years of age from the UNC Early Brain Development Studies (EBDS) group and the NIRAL (Neuro Image Research and Analysis Laboratory) Infant DTI atlases with a comprehensive set of template fibers for semi-automatic tract based analysis that represents a typically developing human brain during the first few weeks up to 2 years of life. To the best of our knowledge, this the first such population atlases with this magnitude of quality and sample size. These resources enable widespread application of a set of template fibers for atlas based along-tract analysis supporting an adequate and reliable analysis of DTI in newborns in both practice and in clinical research settings and address a critical gap in the current research community. 2017-10-30 Release v01 2017 2017-8-04 AllTracts3DMeshScaled V1.0 2017-5-15 uncebds_neodti_1 The EBDS Infant DTI Fiber Atlases MR, Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike