Hello CAT12 List,
My lab recently upgraded matlab to 2017a (being used on iMac w/ Mac
OS 10.12.6 (16G29)), and ran into some issues getting the CAT12
toolbox to work. I got spm working by using the spm12_mexmaci64.zip
files referenced in another thread.
However, w/ CAT12, the program just hangs up and then errors out w/
some mex related issues (top of the CAT12 output pasted below). I
wondered if others have run into this issue? Any thoughts on
troubleshooting this? Any advice or suggestions are greatly
Thanks much,
< M A T L A B (R) >
Copyright 1984-2017 The MathWorks, Inc.
R2017a ( 64-bit (maci64)
February 23, 2017
To get started, type one of these: helpwin, helpdesk, or demo.
For product information, visit
CAT parallel processing with MATLAB PID: 9184
CAT12 r1165: 1/1: ./Desktop/untitled folder/20140313_18263_T1w.nii
APP: Rough bias correction:
CAT Preprocessing error: MATLAB:mex:ErrInvalidMEXFile:
./jamielh/Desktop/untitled folder/20140313_18263_T1w.nii,1
Invalid MEX-file
Missing symbol '___stack_chk_fail' required by
Missing symbol '___stack_chk_guard' required by
Missing symbol '_ceilf' required by
Missing symbol '_floor' required by