Date: 2015-05-08 14:26 |
Priority: more information 3 |
Submitted By:
Francois Budin (fbudin)
Assigned To: more information
Nobody (None) |
Hardware: None | Product: None |
Operating System: None | Component: None |
Version: None | Severity: None |
Resolution: None |
Summary: more information Problem reading ITK txt transform files written by the ITK library |
Detailed description |
DTITK tools cannot read ITK transform in the text format that have
been written with ITK. It considers the transform as invalid
because it tries to match "# Transform0" (with a space between '#'
and 'Transform0') with the second line it reads in the transform
file. ITK actually does not add this space and simply writes
'#Transform0' instead [1]. This is a very simple bug to correct. To
preserve backward compatibility, I have just changed the reader to
be able to understand both possible lines. The writer is unchanged
and still add this extra space. This is not a problem as the ITK
transform reader still read the file that DTI-TK outputs correctly
[2]. The file to modify is './code/geometry/Affine3D.cpp (new
version attached).
| |
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Attached Files:
Field |
Old Value |
Date |
By |
File Added | 731: Affine3D.cpp | 2015-05-08 14:26 | fbudin | |