Date: 2016-08-16 22:15 |
Priority: more information 3 |
Submitted By:
Andrew Schoen (andrewjschoen)
Assigned To: more information
Nobody (None) |
Hardware: Other | Product: DTI-TK |
Operating System: Linux | Component: Image Registration |
Version: DTI-TK v1.2 | Severity: normal |
Resolution: None |
Summary: more information TVMean and with full paths in input file |
Detailed description |
TVMean produces different mean image outputs depending on whether
full paths are used in the input text file. I tested this the
following ways:
1. Standard, no full paths. Running in a single directory, with all
input files in the current directory. Text input file contains only
the names of the input files.
2. Running in a single directory, all input files in the current
directory, but the input text file contains full paths to those
files. This produces results different from 1.
3. Running in a directory different from where the input files are
located. Full paths to those files are included in the text input
file. This produces results identical to 2.
| |
Message |
Date: 2016-08-18 20:49
Sender: Andrew Schoen
This turns out to be a failure in the input text file parsing,
where if there is no newline character after the last input file,
it does not read the last subject. It just so happened that the
input files I tested this with differed in this regard.
| |
Attached Files:
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Download | No Files Currently Attached | |
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Old Value |
Date |
By |
New Message | | 2016-08-18 20:49 | andrewjschoen | |