GUI missing data entry selection interface, and interface doesn't
allow exit.
>> ISCanalysis
grid =
Time-series of length 24 is required when the number of frequency
subbands is 2.
Currently selected subject source files:
Session 1:
Warning: Define subjects sources to at least two separated
sessions, before selecting the session compare!
File "I1.mat" not found.
File "I2.mat" not found.
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
Folder moved to a new location. \n Correct the paths by selecting
the setup m-file from \n Menu -> Open
Undefined function or variable 'ISCtool'.
Error in ISCanalysis>pushbuttonGUI_Callback (line 977)
Error in gui_mainfcn (line 95)
Error in ISCanalysis (line 42)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
Error in>@(hObject,eventdata)ISCanalysis('pushbuttonGUI_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject))
Error using uiwait (line 81)
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback
Error using waitfor
Undefined function or variable 'ISCclosereq'.
Error using uiwait (line 81)
Error while evaluating Figure CloseRequestFcn
Error using waitfor
Undefined function or variable 'ISCclosereq'.
Error using uiwait (line 81)
Error while evaluating Figure CloseRequestFcn
Error using waitfor
Undefined function or variable 'ISCclosereq'.
Error using uiwait (line 81)
Error while evaluating Figure CloseRequestFcn
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
Operation terminated by user during uiwait (line 81)
In ISCanalysis>ISCanalysis_OpeningFcn (line 89)
In gui_mainfcn (line 220)
feval(gui_State.gui_OpeningFcn, gui_hFigure, [],
guidata(gui_hFigure), varargin{:});
In ISCanalysis (line 42)
gui_mainfcn(gui_State, varargin{:});
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!
MEvent. CASE!